Both BlazBlue and Guilty Gear have high resolution 2D sprites with various animation, voice work, music that depends on character matchups.
Arc System Works seems to put a quite of attention to their fighting games. If needing an example, Ōkami has often been cited as one of the most beautiful games visually out there. Hideki Kamiya, formerly of Clover Studios and now of PlatinumGames, with this tweet that says it all. To be fair, they ARE pretty damn good at the former so many are willing to forgive them that. It's pretty clear they care more about telling good stories than constructing challenging games. They also get a lot of (perhaps deserved) flack for their puzzles being incredibly simple. They have worked on ways to incorporate the mouse into the control scheme, but not everyone is happy about it and this has led to accusations of them being more concerned with visuals than with gameplay. Part of the reason they switched from the point-and-click interface to the much-maligned directional arrows found in Escape from Monkey Island and Grim Fandango is because it's very hard to do cinematic angles with the traditional point-and-click. Telltale also provides an arguably negative example of this trope. What Could Have Been had they managed to secure Doctor Who. They're started to get entrusted with franchises like Wallace & Gromit, Jurassic Park, and Back to the Future because they just love the titles they work on. It's amazing that the game even released, and that Sony continued to fund its development all the way though even with the previous games in the series having lackluster sales figures. Exaggerated for the The Last Guardian, a game that took an entire decade to complete and unfortunately lead to the effective dismantlement of Team Ico due to Fumito Ueda's uncompromising vision for it. They are considered two of the very best games on the PS2 and any conversation about "games as art" will inevitably include a discussion of these particular examples.
Neither ICO nor Shadow of the Colossus sold very well, but Sony continues to fund and support Team ICO because ICO and SOTC were met with universal acclaim from the press and gamers alike. The best words to describe it: "A labor of love by fans of Half-Life." All the effort of an officially licensed game, but entirely free to the community.
Black Mesa is a prime example for the modding community.
The developers that made Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines stayed on for months after the company filed for bankruptcy without pay to release a patch that added a lot of content back into the game and fixed a whole host of bugs.
Why would fans spend years working (without pay) on such a massive mod of Super Smash Bros. Project M and its successors are the most well-known case in console gaming.
If you see a mod that you like, it probably owes its existence to the dedication (and free time) of fans of its parent work.
It should be stated up front that almost all Game Mods are this by default, since in most countries mods legally can't be sold commercially.