Sql deadlock trying to drop a datbase
Sql deadlock trying to drop a datbase


One option is to use a lock timeout, low deadlock priority, and a retry loop on the session dropping the table. Also the other session might not have been querying the catalog before the upgrade. Open the file in SQL Server Management Studio. Also the other session was the victim, and was also connected from DEV01 so you ought to be able to track it down.ĭeadlocks are timing and plan-dependent. Without a delay, deadlock retries could slam the network/disk/database with activity until the loop stops. On the General tab, go to the SQL Server deadlock xml report section, and then copy the text in the deadlock tag (including the start and end tag) to a text editor such as Notepad or Visual Studio Code. The other session is running sp_columns_100 which is a metadata discovery procedure that returns column metadata potentially for many tables. The DROP TABLE might be in a transaction trancount="2" so it might own X locks from previous statements, which makes for more deadlock risk. SaeedNeamati No, the deadlock can still happen, for instance all the attempted editing records (for all the different SPIDs ) are on the same page or pages that have been locked.For your saying to be true, lock escalation should be switched off and pagelocks disabled for the table(s) in question. This behaviour was not seen in earlier versions of SQL Server. I tried capturing the deadlock graph and this is the output from deadlock xml You might want to put an UPDLOCK hint on your query to "Select Parent" so two sessions can't run against the same parent concurrently.I am experiencing sporadic deadlock behaviour when my application tries to execute any DROP TABLE statement against my database.

sql deadlock trying to drop a datbase sql deadlock trying to drop a datbase

So I would drop to READ_COMMITTED, and put an index on ParentId. So it's expected one of the transactions must be terminated, and that you would catch and retry if you still needed that work done. then you can run : dbcc inputnuffer (88) to find out which main proc or.


Deadlock is a situation when the total system go into a halt because of lack of resource. find out more about blocking session 88, run exec spwho 88, seems like this is the session that is blocking, find out more about blocking stuff, if you are allowed to add a proc to the database, go get and install spwhoisactive which gives you more information. SERIALIZABLE is just doing its job here, as each session has read data that the other is trying to update, so if allowed to complete, the state of the database would not be the same as if the transactions ran sequentially, which is the definition of SERIALIZABLE. Deadlock in database systems occurs mainly in case of transactions. So when two sessions take and hold an S lock on the table, neither can acquire the IX lock required to start the DELETE, nor would they be able to acquire the X lock required to complete the DELETE. SERIALIZABLE enforces its guarantees with deadlocks, see rant here: using new TransactionScope() considered harmful. And it's a table lock since you don't have proper indexing on the table. (3)executing a DML (that requires the trigger to be recompiled at DML time) can generate a self deadlock ORA-04020 situation. However, blocking and deadlocks may still occur in databases in Azure SQL Database because: Queries that modify data may block one another. SERIALIZABLE transactions hold shared (S) locks until the end of the transaction, so when you "Select Parent's Children." you acquire and hold a S lock. SQLSTATE 40001: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock try restarting transaction. You've asked for the deadlock by running the transaction in SERIALIZABLE isolation level: isolationlevel="serializable (4)" Why am I getting a deadlock, and what can I do to resolve it?

sql deadlock trying to drop a datbase

For some reason this is causing a deadlock. My web application attempts to send hundreds of requests to this endpoint concurrently, so this SQL transaction gets executed concurrently many times. Now there can be a clash also if they are updating adjacent rows.


With only row locks, there can only be a clash if they try to update the same row. The SQL is: DELETE FROMĬhildID NOT IN query is sanitised, so ignore the fact that I'm not doing ChildID != executed SQL is also wrapped in a transaction. HOLDLOCK is a synonym to SERIALIZABLE, and this isolation level leads to range locks which are wider that strict row locks. I have an API endpoint to delete children of a parent, unless a child is specified.

Sql deadlock trying to drop a datbase